Week of May 23- June 4:
We will continue using our established routines, procedures and expectations for online Math instruction, Reading and Writing Workshops, Number Talks, and Zoom Class Sessions.
Math: We will continue Module 7, which studies Geometry and Measurement.
ELA: In language arts we will integrate a science study of informational texts on Weather and Climate.
Social Studies: Students will review culture & communities and their importance in our lives.
Science: Students will grow and monitor the growth of our bean plants while finishing the Moby Max "Plants" unit, which helps develop a conceptual understanding that organisms with unique and diverse life cycles still have common birth, growth, reproduction and death cycles of life.
Enrichment: Students will utilize various learning platforms to extend opportunities for practice of weekly class learning objectives using:
*ST Math
*Moby Max
*Pear Deck
*Google Classroom
*Flip Grid
*Xtra Math